ليليان جارسيا تحتفل بذكرى انطلاقتها الأولى مع WWE

ليليان جارسيا تحتفل بذكرى انطلاقتها الأولى مع WWE

الكاتب مارينا عماد عطا الله - Marina Emad Atalla بتاريخ 26 أغسطس، 2018

منذ تسع عشرة سنة في مثل هذا الأسبوع قامت ليليان غارسيا بالظهور في WWE لأول مرة في مدينة أميس بولاية أيوا ، حيث قدمت المصارعين في حلقة الرو بنسختها Raw Is War. شغلت هذا المنصب لسنوات عديدة، وتعد ليليان هي أول سيدة تلقب بـ”ديفاز”، واحتفلت بتلك المناسبة على حسابها الشخصي في إنستغرام بنشر صورتين كما ستشاهدون أدناه:

You may see a smile on my face here but inside my stomach was doing all sorts of cartwheels! It was my 1st day on the job with @WWE and I found out that afternoon at 3:30pm that I would be Hosting #MondayNightRaw LIVE WORLDWIDE 🌍!! 😳 And with no formal training!! 😱 AND replacing WWE Hall of Famer, Howard Finkel! 🤦🏼‍♀️ The pressure was almost unbearable and I almost ran! 🏃‍♀️ Looking back now, I don’t know what kept me from running (besides God himself by my side) but man, am I glad I didn’t! What an adventure I would continue to live for 15 years. Traveling the world, working with incredible athletes, staff & company, along with performing on live TV – all SO exhilarating and life changing. I share this in hopes that if any of you find yourself so scared to do something and you really want to run… DON’T!! Push through and let the adrenaline be your guiding force through the fear! (praying along the way won’t hurt either! 🙏🏼😄) Here’s to my #TBT and to all the memories I will cherish, especially all those butterflies. 🦋

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Yup, 19 years ago today was my first day on the job with @WWE. I had just turned 33, I was a woman in a male dominated industry, and I had no formal training for ring announcing. You can say the odds were stacked against me but what I did have was this: belief in myself. I trusted all the years of hosting, singing, and being a radio DJ to get me through that night and on to a career. How many of you are holding yourself back because you don’t believe in yourself or you think you are too old, too young, wrong gender, wrong race, don’t have enough experience, etc? Stop focusing on being too _____, and start focusing on how amazing you ARE and what you DO have to offer! Only you can get in the way of you, so step aside and let yourself shine! 🌟 . . . . #dreambig #pursueyourpassion #beyourself #beyou #wweuniverse

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